"My work is a dialogue between the intimate objects I paint and the space they occupy...
...one informing the other."
" Through the window I peered like a night time robber at
a room full of absent visitors " .
I think that is where a painting often starts, it could be a memory or an everyday object that ignites my imagination which develops into a kind of stage set where chairs, tables with flowers, cabinets, act as prompts for an event to take place or as a reminder of the past.
I build the paint up in layers, mainly using a pallet knife mixing colour intuitively until
a tonal relationship of colour finds its way... very often supported by Jazz or classical
The act of painting for me is one of play and contemplation, random thoughts and
actions develop into a language of paint that hopefully finds a resting place in which it can describe a visual stage, a place to indulge unspoken thoughts. A reverie.
After I graduated in 2001 I was awarded a 3 month residency in North Africa. I went on to live there for a year and that experience, along with photographs and drawings on my return, fed my work for 5 more years.
I'm never sure of what the outcome will be, I just paint on until a felt destination arrives, always hoping that the painting triggers a sensual response....
I have exhibited widely and my work has been bought by collectors around the world